Monday, June 27, 2011

Causes & Treatment Of Yellow Teeth

Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD
Having yellow teeth can be be embarrassing at times and also harm your self-esteem. It might make you conscious of your teeth whenever you feel the urge to flash your smile. The first step in getting rid of this ugly yellow tinge is to determine the cause of it.
Yellow Teeth Causes

  • NaturalSome individual’s teeth are naturally yellow in color. This is no defect as not all of us are lucky enough to have naturally white teeth. Here is the detailed reason for this natural yellow color. The outer most covering of the teeth (enamel) is white. However, the layer below this, which is the dentin, is naturally yellow. In some conditions, the outermost layer is not well mineralized causing it to become translucent. This makes the color of the dentin (yellow) more apparent and you can’t change this natural tooth color unless you use advanced whitening methods.
yellow teeth
  • AgingYou have to accept the fact that yellowing of teeth is also a natural aspect of aging. However careful you might have been in maintaining your oral hygiene, over a long period of time staining agents generally seep in to your teeth giving it a yellowish tinge. Also, the enamel wears down and the natural yellow color of the underlying layer (dentin) becomes visible.
  • Oral hygiene: Poor Oral hygiene is a major cause of yellow teeth colour. You could say “yellow teeth can have various causes” but poor oral hygiene ALWAYS result in yellow teeth(along with a lot of other dental problems)
  • Food Habits: The chromogenic (COLOUR IMPARTING) food and beverages we consume can be held responsible for a vast majority of tooth discolorations. Foods such as tea, coffee, soda and berries have colour imparting properties. Smoking and chewing tobacco causes stained teeth as well due to nicotine deposits on teeth.

Yellow Teeth Treatment:

Although we can try our best to control the yellowing of our teeth by simple methods, sometimes it’s just not possible and we have to look towards more advanced methods.
Simple Methods:
  • Brush and Floss twice a day.
  • Brushing after consuming color imparting agents like coffee, tea, soda etc
  • Using Whitening toothpaste and chewing sugarless whitening gums.
  • Using Whitening strips or paint on bleach.
Advanced Methods
  • Using Dental Veneers.
  • Using tooth whitening methods especially the in-office tooth bleaching available from your Dentist.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Study Indicates That Weight Control And Physical Fitness May Help Reduce The Risk Of Severe Gum Disease

Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD
The health complications of being overweight, such as increased risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers, have long been reported. Health care professionals often urge patients to manage their weight and strive to get physical exercise each day to achieve and maintain overall health. And now, researchers have now uncovered another benefit of maintaining a fit lifestyle: healthy teeth and gums.
In a study published in the August issue of the Journal of Periodontology, researchers found that subjects who maintained a healthy weight and had high levels of physical fitness had a lower incidence of severe periodontitis. Using body mass index (BMI) and percent body fat as a measure of weight control, and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) as a measure of physical fitness, researchers compared subjects’ weight and fitness variables with the results of a periodontal examination. Those with the lowest BMI and highest levels of fitness had significantly lower rates of severe periodontitis. Study Abstract *
Periodontitis, or gum disease, is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the supporting bone and tissues around the teeth. Gum disease is a major cause of tooth loss in adults, and research has suggested gum disease is associated with other diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Samuel Low, DDS, MS, Associate Dean and professor of periodontology at the University of Florida College of Dentistry, and President of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), says that research connecting overall health and periodontal health should motivate people to maintain a healthy weight and get enough physical fitness.
“Research continues to demonstrate that our overall health and oral health are connected,” says Dr. Low. “Weight management and physical fitness both contribute to overall health; and now we believe staying in shape may help lower your risk of developing gum disease. Since gum disease is related to other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes,” continues Dr. Low, “There is even more reason to take care of yourself through diet and exercise.”
Dr. Low also encourages comprehensive periodontal care through daily tooth brushing and flossing, and routine visits to a dental professional, such as a periodontist, a specialist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of gum disease.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Research Suggests That Flossing Daily Could Decrease The Chance Of Developing Neck Cancer

Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD

 It comes in a matchbox sized package with a flip top, and often smells minty fresh. And if you put it in your mouth, it just might save your neck. What am I referring to? Why dental floss of course.
   New research suggests that flossing daily could decrease your odds of developing neck cancer. Doctors already know that flossing and brushing help prevent oral diseases that somehow open the door to bad things like heart disease. Now a new study found that in people with periodontitis — a form of gum disease in which the bones that hold the roots of teeth in place start to break down —that for each millimeter of supporting bone that was lost, head and neck cancer risk increased more than fourfold. 
 More and more research is pointing to ties between oral health and overall health. Even when taking into consideration other bad health habits, such as smoking or excessive drinking, studies have still shown a strong link between periodontal disease and other diseases. Short of a visit to the dentist, no other oral healthcare habit alone has the same ability to remove plaque between teeth and below your gum line as flossing does.

   To help you get the most out of that minty white string here are some flossing tips. Be sure to slide the floss under your gum line and to gently curl it around each tooth as you floss. Floss gently, but don't quit because your gums bleed. eventually, they will become stronger and bleed less with regular flossing. Use fresh floss for each tooth juncture. and if you find it hard to floss using your fingers, try dental–floss picks or holders that anchor sections of floss. Taking the time to floss is a wise investment—not just to protect against head and neck cancer, but to reduce your risks for heart disease and stroke.

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Study: Healthy Gums May Lead to Healthy Lungs

Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD
Maintaining periodontal health may contribute to a healthy respiratory system, according to research published in the Journal of Periodontology. A new study suggests that periodontal disease may increase the risk for respiratory infections, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia. These infections, which are caused when bacteria from the upper throat are inhaled into the lower respiratory tract, can be severely debilitating and are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S.
The study included 200 participants between the ages of 20 and 60 with at least 20 natural teeth. Half of the participants were hospitalized patients with a respiratory disease such as pneumonia, COPD, or acute bronchitis, and the other half were healthy control subjects with no history of respiratory disease. Each participant underwent a comprehensive oral evaluation to measure periodontal health status.
The study found that patients with respiratory diseases had worse periodontal health than the control group, suggesting a relationship between respiratory disease and periodontal disease. Researchers suspect that the presence of oral pathogens associated with periodontal disease may increase a patient’s risk of developing or exacerbating respiratory disease. However, the study authors note that additional studies are needed to more conclusively understand this link.
“Pulmonary diseases can be severely disabling and debilitating,” says Donald S. Clem, DDS, President of the American Academy of Periodontology. “By working with your dentist or periodontist, you may actually be able to prevent or diminish the progression of harmful diseases such as pneumonia or COPD. This study provides yet another example of how periodontal health plays a role in keeping other systems of the body healthy.”
Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gum tissue and other structures supporting the teeth. Previous research has associated gum disease with other chronic inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Dr. Clem stressed the importance of routine oral care in helping to prevent periodontal disease. “Taking good care of your periodontal health involves daily tooth brushing and flossing. You should also expect to get a comprehensive periodontal evaluation every year,” he advised. A dental professional, such as a periodontist, a specialist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of gum disease, can conduct a comprehensive exam to assess your periodontal disease status.

Study Information

Sharma, N. & Shamsuddin, H. (in press). Association between respiratory disease in hospitalized patients and periodontal disease: a cross-sectional study. Abstracts of Journal of Periodontology articles are available to the public online. Full-text of studies may be accessed by AAP members and Journal subscribers or purchased online.

About the AAP

The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) is the professional organization for periodontists—specialists in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting the gums and supporting structures of the teeth, and in the placement of dental implants. Periodontists are also dentistry’s experts in the treatment of oral inflammation. They receive three additional years of specialized training following dental school, and periodontics is one of the nine dental specialties recognized by the American Dental Association. The AAP has 8,000 members worldwide.
Find out if you are at risk for periodontal diseases by calling our office at 760-340-3335.