Monday, December 19, 2011

Frequently Asked Periodontal Questions And Our Answers

    Dr. Ellie Kheirkhani-Love DDS, MSD
    What are the consequences of missing teeth?
    There are actually several negative consequences of missing some or all of your teeth. First, missing teeth will affect the esthetics of your face. Not only will your smile be affected by the gaps from missing teeth, but if you’re missing too many teeth, the skin around your mouth won’t be supported properly and will start to sag, making your appear older than you are. Additionally, missing teeth will make it more difficult to chew your food properly and may even affect the way you speak. Finally, missing even one tooth may have emotional consequences; many people feel less confident about their smile when they are missing teeth. If you are currently missing any of your teeth, consider replacing them with dental implants, which can look and feel just like natural teeth. For more information about implants, please contact our office.
    I have big gums and short teeth, so when I smile you can almost only see my gums. I don’t smile very often anymore because I am so self conscious of my gums. Is there a way to improve my smile?
    Yes, there may be a way to enhance your smile. It’s a good idea to discuss your options with a periodontist first. He or she can explain the best way to create the smile you want, as well as answer any questions that you may have. For example, one procedure that can remove excess gum tissue is called crown lengthening. After the excess gum tissue is removed, the gum line is then reshaped in order to create the right proportion between gum tissue and tooth surface. Your general dentist and our office may also work together to coordinate additional treatments such as veneers or crowns.

    Is periodontal disease contagious?
    Research has shown that periodontal disease is caused by the inflammatory reaction to bacteria under the gums, so periodontal disease technically may not be contagious. However, the bacteria that cause the inflammatory reaction can be spread through saliva. This means that if one of your family members has periodontal disease, it’s a good idea to avoid contact with their saliva by not sharing eating utensils or oral health equipment. If you notice that your spouse or a family member has the warning signs of a possible periodontal problem (bleeding, red and swollen gums, or bad breath) you may want to suggest that they see the periodontist for an exam. It may help to protect the oral health of everyone in the family. 

    I was recently diagnosed with periodontal disease. How often should I see you for an examination?
    Regular examinations are very important to keep track of the present status of your disease and any disease progression over time. Your periodontist will work with you to create a maintenance schedule depending on how advanced your periodontal disease is at that time. Based on many variable factors such as your overall health, the severity of bone loss, and risk factors such as smoking and genetics, your periodontist will constantly tailor your care so your periodontal disease does not progress further. He or she may recommend exams every six months for mild periodontal disease, or every few months for more advanced stages. 

    Who should treat my periodontal disease: my general dentist or your office?
    Instead of leaving your treatment to one dental professional, you should consider having both your general dentist and our office be actively involved in the diagnosis and treatment of your periodontal disease. This team approach will help your general dentist (who is familiar with your dental and medical history) and our facility (we have extensive experience treating periodontal disease) collaborate to tailor a treatment plan that works best for your individual case.

    What does “board certified” mean?
    All periodontists must complete an additional two to three years of specialized training in periodontics following dental school. However, some periodontists opt to take the board-certification examination, which is offered by the American Board of Periodontology once per year. Board certification in periodontology denotes someone who has made significant achievements beyond the mandatory educational requirements of the specialty, including demonstrating a comprehensive mastery of all phases of periodontal disease and treatment and in the placement of dental implants. Recertification is required every six years.

    I lost a tooth, and I’m interested in replacing it with an implant. How much does the average implant cost?
    The costs of implants can often vary from case to case and will depend on how many implants you receive as well as the type of implant. You should discuss the financial and time commitments associated with dental implants with our office.

    My dentist told me that I have signs of periodontal disease and that I should see a periodontist for a consultation. Can I see your office.
    When you are diagnosed with symptoms of periodontal disease, seeing a periodontist for a consultation is a great first step. Many dentist in the Palm Springs area refer to our office, but you do not need a referral to visit us.

    I have heard there is a connection between gum disease and heart disease. Is this true? Where can I find more information?
    The connection between gum disease and heart disease is a very hot topic in the field of periodontics right now! Several research studies have indicated that heart disease and gum disease may be linked, and researchers suspect that inflammation may be the basis behind this relationship. If you are at risk for heart disease, it is a good idea to mention this to our office, since gum disease may increase this risk. Get additional information on the connection between heart disease and gum disease, as well as the connection between gum disease and other systemic conditions

    Is there a link between periodontal disease and diabetes?
    Research has suggested that there is a link between diabetes and gum disease. People with diabetes are more likely to have periodontal problems, possibly because people with diabetes are more susceptible to contracting infections. In fact, periodontal disease is often considered one of the major complications of diabetes. Interestingly, the relationship between the two conditions goes both ways; just as diabetes can increase a person’s chance of developing periodontal disease, research suggests that efficient and effective periodontal hygiene may positively affect blood sugar levels.

    Both of my parents have periodontal disease, and I’m worried that it may be genetic. Is there a way to determine my risk for developing gum disease?
    First of all, congratulations on being proactive about your health! Recent research has shown that genetics may be involved in a person’s risk for gum disease, but there are a variety of other factors that also play a role. The American Academy of Periodontology has an online risk assessment tool that you can use to determine your risk level for gum disease. The test only takes a few minutes to take, and you should discuss the results with our office. Take the gum disease risk assessment test.

    What can I do at home to prevent periodontal disease?
    The best way to prevent periodontal disease is to take good care of your teeth and gums at home. This includes brushing your teeth after every meal and before bedtime, flossing at least once each day, and seeing your dentist or periodontist for regular exams twice a year. Spending a few minutes a day on preventative measures may save you the time and money of treating periodontal disease!

    What are common signs and symptoms of periodontal disease?
    Periodontal disease is often silent, meaning symptoms- particularly pain- may not appear until an advanced stage of the disease. However, you should still be on the lookout for the signs and symptoms, which include:

    *Red, swollen or tender gums or other pain in your mouth
    *Bleeding while brushing, flossing, or when eating certain foods
    *Gums that are receding or pulling away from the teeth, causing the teeth to look longer than before
    *Loose or separating teeth
    *Pus between your gums and teeth
    *Sores in your mouth
    *Persistent bad breath
    *A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
    *A change in the fit of partial dentures 

    If you notice any of these symptoms, be sure to contact your dentist or our office right away.

    Other than diagnose and treat gum disease, what else have periodontists been trained to do?
    Most periodontists spend the majority of their time diagnosing and treating gum disease, but there are a variety other procedures that they are able to perform. Our office places dental implants when natural teeth cannot be saved. We also monitor the implants to make sure that they’re properly doing their job. We also correct gum recession and cover up exposed root surfaces which can be unsightly as well as sensitive to hot and cold. These procedures are often used to lay the foundation for additional cosmetic procedures to help create a beautiful smile. Finally, our office is integral in the comprehensive planning of your oral care, along with your general dentist.

    Can children be at risk for developing periodontal disease?
    Periodontal disease is rarely found in children, and only sometimes found in adolescents. However, children should still learn the importance of keeping their teeth and gums healthy to prevent periodontal disease in the future. Children should brush their teeth twice a day and learn how to floss properly- if children learn how to floss at an early age, they will be more likely to make it a lifetime habit. These two simple acts will help protect their teeth and gums from periodontal disease.

    Sunday, November 27, 2011

    Bisphosphonate Drugs And Their Potential Effect On Periodontal Health

    Dr. Elle Kheirkhahi-Love DDS. MSD 
    You may have heard recent reports about bisphosphonate drugs and their potential effect on periodontal health. These reports can be alarming and even misleading, especially for those taking bisphosphonates. The information below explains what bisphosphonates are, how they are related to periodontal health, and how bisphosphonates may impact your periodontal treatment.

    Bisphosphonates, also known as bone-sparing drugs, are used to treat and prevent osteoporosis, and are also prescribed to patients diagnosed with certain bone cancers. Bisphosphonates can be administered in two ways: orally and intravenously (IV). Oral, or tablet, bisphosphonates (common names include Fosamax, Boniva, and Actonel) are usually prescribed for osteoporosis, while IV bisphosphonates (common names include Aredia and Zometa) are typically prescribed for patients with advanced bone cancers to help decrease pain and fractures.

    In rare instances, some people that have been treated with bisphosphonates, especially the intravenous form, develop a rare condition called osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), which can cause severe, irreversible, and often debilitating damage to the jaw. ONJ can be worsened by invasive dental procedures such as tooth extractions or dental implants. People may not have symptoms in the early stages of ONJ, but pain can gradually develop as the condition progresses.

    Symptoms of ONJ include:

    • Loose teeth
    • Numbness or a feeling of heaviness in the jaw
    • Pain, swelling, or infection of the gums or jaw
    • Gums that do not heal
    • Exposed bone
    Currently, there is no treatment that definitely cures ONJ. However, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs may help relieve some of the pain associated with ONJ. Most people diagnosed with ONJ will also need surgical treatment.

    If your physician prescribes a bisphosphonate, especially IV bisphosphonates, it is very important to tell your dental professional, because your dental treatment plan may be affected. There have been other risk factors associated with ONJ including age, gender, and other medical conditions, so it is important to share all health information with our our periodontal office.

    It is also important to maintain your oral health if you are taking bisphosphonates. Even though the risk of developing ONJ while taking a bisphosphonate remains very small, if you need periodontal surgery, your dental professional may recommend that you interrupt your bisphosphonate therapy prior to, during, and/or after your procedure. Be assured that both the medical and dental communities are studying ways to ensure the safest outcomes for patients taking bisphosphonates who require invasive dental procedures.

    Osteoporosis and Tooth Loss
    Osteoporosis is a condition that causes low or decreasing bone mass. Untreated osteoporosis can often lead to tooth loss, mainly because the disease diminishes the density of the bone supporting the teeth. Since both osteoporosis and periodontal disease have shared risk factors such as tobacco use and age, and because both can result in bone loss, an association between the two diseases has been difficult to prove. However, if you are at risk for or being treated for osteoporosis, it is still important to keep your oral health at its best. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice every day, floss at least once every day, and see our office every six months.

    Tuesday, September 6, 2011

    Why You Should Choose An Periodontist To Place Your Dental Implants

    Dr. Elle Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD
    Dental implants have become the clear choice for replacing single or multiple missing teeth. Although the procedure is extremely technical, when performed by an experienced periodontist, the results are typically very predictable. As you begin to explore your options with dental implants in Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage, you can be confident that our office in Ranch Mirage has the expertise to permanently restore your smile.

    The dental implant procedure is an amazing combination of science and cosmetics. After extensively reviewing your medical history, your 
    periodontist will implant a surgical grade titanium post into your jaw bone. Using state of the art imaging technology, the periodontist can evaluate the anatomical curvatures of your bone in order to identify the exact location for your implant.

    When the jaw bone is not dense enough to support an implant, your 
    periodontist may suggest a bone grafting procedure to improve stability.

    During the planning and placement of your implant, the 
    periodontist will pay particular attention to the esthetic aspects of the procedure. How will the implant be angled to align with the neighboring teeth? How is the jaw bone shaped near the implant? Does the gum tissue look healthy and natural around the implant? These aspects are just as important as the clinical success of the implant. You deserve a tooth replacement solution that is both strong and beautiful.

    By trusting our
    office to restore your smile, you have access to a specialist who possesses a wealth of knowledge. With surgical expertise, an periodontist is the most likely specialist to deliver superior implant dentistry.

    Maybe you have been curious about the ways that dental implants can improve your smile. Perhaps you have questions about how to proceed with your choice to replace your missing teeth. If so, then call our dental implant team at
     (760) 836-1809 to schedule a consultation today.

    Saturday, August 27, 2011

    Stress May Leave Your Mouth A Mess

    Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS,MSD
    A literature review published in the August 2007 issue of the Journal of Periodontology (JOP) saw a strong relationship between stress and periodontal diseases; 57% of the studies included in the review showed a positive relationship between periodontal diseases and psychological factors such as stress, distress, anxiety, depression and loneliness. Literature Review Abstract 
    “More research is needed to determine the definitive relationship between stress and periodontal diseases” said study author Daiane Peruzzo, PhD. “However, patients who minimize stress may be at less risk for periodontal disease.”

    Researchers speculate that the hormone cortisol may play a role in the possible connection between stress and periodontal diseases. A study in the July issue of the JOP* found that increased levels of cortisol can lead to more destruction of the gums and bone due to periodontal diseases. It is well known that periodontal diseases left untreated can ultimately lead to bone loss or tooth loss.

    “Individuals with high stress levels tend to increase their bad habits, which can be harmful to  periodontal health. They are less attentive to their oral hygiene and may increase their use of nicotine, alcohol or drugs,” explained Preston D. Miller, DDS and AAP president. “Patients should seek healthy ways to relieve stress through exercise, balanced eating, plenty of sleep and maintaining a positive mental attitude.”

    Patients should to also keep in mind their “pocket size guide” to periodontal health; periodontal probing depths of one to two millimeters with no bleeding are not a concern but probing depths of three and four millimeters may need a more in depth cleaning called scaling and root planing. Probing depths in excess of 5mm may require more advanced treatment and patients should consult with our office.

    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    The Link Between Gum Disease & Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD
    Research is increasingly pointing towards a link between gum disease & rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis, more than 1.3 million Americans suffer from this condition, and it’s been discovered by German researchers in Berlin, that patients with this condition can have a higher prevalence of periodontal disease. In fact a study of 57 rheumatoid arthritis patients and 52 healthy controls discovered that people with this condition are nearly eight times as likely to have periodontal disease
    The study determined the oral health of rheumatoid arthritis patients and the healthy controls, and took into account demographic and lifestyle characteristics such as gender, age and tobacco use. It’s been found that treating periodontal disease can lessen the degree of arthritic pain and stiffness in sufferers. 
    To some extent the diseases can be considered similar; both conditions are systemic inflammatory disorders that destroy hard and soft issues through inflammation caused by bacterial infection. 
    One particular toxin from inflamed areas in rheumatoid arthritis sufferers is called tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF- α), and is a marker found in the bloodstream where inflammation is present. It can initiate new infections or aggravate existing infection sites by promoting inflammation, pain and swelling. 
    A study of 40 patients suffering from both rheumatoid arthritis and moderate to severe periodontal and disease was conducted by Askari and Bissada. The participants were divided into four groups, two of which were prescribed a new type of drug which blocks the production of TNF- α, while two groups didn’t receive this medication.
    One half of each of the two groups received standard, non-invasive periodontal treatment, while the remaining half didn’t receive any treatment until the study was completed. Patients who received standard periodontal treatment saw their rheumatoid arthritis symptoms improve, regardless of whether they received anti- TNF- α medication or not. Those receiving the medication showed significantly improved results over those not receiving the drugs.
    The connection between these two conditions has been suspected for a long time. Results of studies into the link between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease should encourage rheumatoid arthritis sufferers to be vigilant about their oral hygiene routine. Anyone suffering from this condition should have an excellent daily oral hygiene routine, and should see a dental professional at least twice a year, this will help ensure appropriate action is taken to achieve the best levels of oral and general health.

    To read more about how gum disease, please click here.

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Children's Oral Health, Periodontal Disease

    Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD
    Many people think of periodontal disease as an adult problem. However, studies indicate that nearly all children and adolescents have gingivitis, the first stage of periodontal disease. Advanced forms of periodontal disease are more rare in children than adults, but can occur. Below are types of periodontal diseases in children:
    Chronic gingivitis is common in children. It usually causes gum tissue to swell, turn red and bleed easily. Gingivitis is both preventable and treatable with a regular routine of brushing, flossing and professional dental care. However, left untreated, it can eventually advance to more serious forms of periodontal disease.
    Aggressive periodontitis can affect young people who are otherwise healthy. Localized aggressive periodontitis is found in teenagers and young adults and mainly affects the first molars and incisors. It is characterized by the severe loss of alveolar bone, and ironically, patients generally form very little dental plaque or calculus.
    Generalized aggressive periodontitis may begin around puberty and involve the entire mouth. It is marked by inflammation of the gums and heavy accumulations of plaque and calculus. Eventually it can cause the teeth to become loose.
    Periodontitis associated with systemic disease occurs in children and adolescents as it does in adults. Conditions that make children more susceptible to periodontal disease include:
    • Type I diabetes
    • Down syndrome
    • Kindler syndrome
    • Papillon-Lefevre syndrome
    Four Basic signs of periodontal disease
    Bleeding gums during tooth brushing, flossing or any other time
    Swollen and bright red gums
    Gums that have receded away from the teeth, sometimes exposing the roots
    Bad breath
    Constant bad breath that does not clear up with brushing and flossing

    Periodontal Disease Runs in the Family
    Periodontal disease may be passed from parents to children and between couples. Researchers suggest that the bacteria which causes periodontal disease may be passed from one person to another though saliva. This means that the common contact of saliva in families puts children and couples at risk for contracting the periodontal disease of another family member.
    Genetics may also play a major role in the onset and severity of periodontal disease. Researchers found that Up to 30% of the population may be genetically susceptible to developing severe periodontal disease. Therefore, if one family member has periodontal disease, it is a good idea for all family members to see a dental professional for a periodontal disease screening.

    Adolescence and oral care
    Evidence shows that periodontal disease may increase during adolescence due to lack of motivation to practice oral hygiene. Children who maintain good oral health habits up until the teen years are more likely to continue brushing and flossing than children who were not taught proper oral care.
    Hormonal changes related to puberty can put teens at greater risk for getting periodontal disease. During puberty, an increased level of sex hormones, such as progesterone and possibly estrogen, cause increased blood circulation to the gums. This may cause an increase in the gum's sensitivity and lead to a greater reaction to any irritation, including food particles and plaque. During this time, the gums may become swollen, turn red and feel tender.
    As a teen progresses through puberty, the tendency for the gums to swell in response to irritants will lessen. However, during puberty, it is very important to follow a good at-home oral hygiene regimen, including regular brushing and flossing, and regular dental care. In some cases, a dental professional may recommend periodontal therapy to help prevent damage to the tissues and bone surrounding the teeth.

    Advice for parents
    Early diagnosis is important for successful treatment of periodontal diseases. Therefore, it is important that children receive a periodontal examination as part of their routine dental visits. Be aware that if your child has an advanced form of periodontal disease, this may be an early sign of systemic disease. A general medical evaluation should be considered for children who exhibit severe periodontitis, especially if it appears resistant to therapy.
    Many medications can dry out the mouth or pose other threats to oral health. Be sure to tell your dental professional about any medications your family members are taking.
    Monitor your family to see if anyone has the habit of teeth grinding. Grinding can increase the risk of developing periodontal disease, in addition to causing cracked or chipped teeth. Dentists can make custom-fitted night bite guards to prevent teeth grinding at night.
    Researchers suggest periodontal disease can pass through saliva. This means that the common contact of saliva in families may put children and couples at risk for contracting the periodontal disease of another family member. If one family member has periodontal disease, all family members should see a dental professional for a periodontal evaluation.
    The most important preventive step against periodontal disease is to establish good oral health habits with your child. There are basic preventive steps to help your child maintain good oral health:
    • Establish good oral health habits early. When your child is 12 months old, you can begin using toothpaste when brushing his or her teeth. However, only use a pea-sized portion on the brush and press it into the bristles so your child won't eat it. And, when the gaps between your child's teeth close, it's important to start flossing.
    • Serve as a good role model by practicing good oral health care habits yourself.
    • Schedule regular dental visits for family checkups, periodontal evaluations and cleanings.
    • Check your child's mouth for the signs of periodontal disease, including bleeding gums, swollen and bright red gums, gums that are receding away from the teeth and bad breath.
    If your child currently has poor oral health habits, work with your child to change these now. It's much easier to modify these habits in a child than in an adult. Since your child models behavior after you, it follows that you should serve as a positive role model in your oral hygiene habits. A healthy smile, good breath and strong teeth all contribute to a young person's sense of personal appearance, as well as confidence and self-esteem.

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    New Swedish Study Links Periodontitis To Breast Cancer

    Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD
    Since the early 1990’s, a number of systemic maladies have been associated with chronic periodontitis.  Initially, these reports were greeted skeptically.  Many suspected no pathophysiological relationships, and questioned if the correlations were just coincidence or were indicative of etiologically unrelated co-morbidities.  Such doubts were sensible given the possibility that data mining may have biased early reports.  Nevertheless, others were spurred to perform additional studies that uncovered additional associations, etiologic explanations and assessed the effects of periodontal interventions on systemic conditions.

    Years later, it’s now thought the systemic inflammatory burden incurred by those with periodontitis, along with the seeding of oral pathogens via the circulation to other sites, represent plausible pathophysiological explanations underscoring the potential for periodontitis to aggravate or even help induce certain systemic conditions.

    Yet, the most definitive question for practitioners remains the same now as it was fifteen years ago, namely does periodontal therapy beneficially affect those systemic diseases to which periodontitis has been linked? Unfortunately, the effects of periodontal therapy on various systemic maladies have not been well-elucidated, partly because clinical studies are expensive.  In this context, two prospective clinical trials funded by the (U.S.) National Institutes of Health failed to uncover statistically significant improvements in birth outcomes when pregnant women treated for periodontitis were compared with untreated controls. Yet, similar controlled trials have detected benefits, including one published in early 2010. 

    Why such discrepancies?  It’s my opinion that NIH-funded studies were underpowered because they compared the effects of only one episode of scaling and root planing with non-treated controls.  In contrast, periodontal care in the 2010 study was provided to test subjects throughout their pregnancies.  As someone who spends much of my professional life assessing the design, quality and clinical meaningfulness of published evidence, many prospective controlled studies and even some systematic reviews come up short.  On the other hand, it’s clear from the science that those with Type II diabetes are better able to control their blood glucose if they optimize their periodontal health.  Moreover, those with diabetes who better control their serum glucose improve their periodontal health, thereby confirming the central role that inflammation – acting both locally and remotely – plays in both groups of diseases.

    Recently signs of past and present oral infections were linked to an increased incidence of breast cancer in a Swedish study. Yet many questions remain yet to be answered regarding what may turn out to be a new perio-systemic link.  

    For now, I believe that it’s reasonable to inform patients that this new study has reported that breast cancer incidence may be increased in patients with chronic periodontitis. We don’t know yet if treating periodontitis will have a beneficial effect in this context. More studies are needed. However, when one compares the costs of being wrong on either side of this question, getting treatment that one already needs for a host of other reasons seems to make good sense.

    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    New Study Shows Gum Disease Can Extend The Time That It Takes For A Woman To Become Pregnant

    Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD
    The importance of maintaining a sound oral hygiene is often underestimated by women but new research has shown that presence of gum disease can by an average of two months extend the time that it takes for a woman to become pregnant. Researchers have for the first time been able to clearly demonstrate the significant impact of poor oral health on the time to pregnancy in women who are trying to conceive.

    Speaking at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Professor Roger Hart informed that the ill effects of poor oral health on pregnancy are of the same degree as the effects ofobesity. He is the Professor of Reproductive Medicine at the University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia) and Medical Director of Fertility Specialists of Western Australia.

    Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the periodontium, i.e., the tissues that surround and support the teeth. Periodontitis involves progressive loss of the alveolar bone around the teeth, resulting in the formation of periodontal pockets. If left untreated, it can lead to the loosening and subsequent loss of teeth. Periodontitis is caused by microorganisms that adhere to and grow on the tooth's surfaces, along with an overly aggressive immune response against these microorganisms.

    The inflammation of the gums results in tissue destruction that can find its way into the blood circulation. Due to this, most forms of gum disease in earlier studies have been shown to play a significant role in heart disease, type 2 diabetes, respiratory and kidney disease, and problems in pregnancy such as miscarriage and premature birth. It is believed that about 10% of the general population suffer from gum disease which can easily be prevented by brushing teeth regularly and the use of dental floss.

    Prof Hart said:

    "Until now, there have been no published studies that investigate whether gum disease can affect a woman's chance of conceiving, so this is the first report to suggest that gum disease might be one of several factors that could be modified to improve the chances of a pregnancy."

    Pregnancy planning and pregnancy outcome was analysed by scientists for 3,416 women out of a total of 3,737 who participated in the SMILE study, a study conducted in Western Australia.

    They found that women with gum disease took an average of just over seven months to become pregnant - two months longer than the average of five months that it took women without gum disease to conceive.

    The study also revealed that non-Caucasian women who had gum disease were at the highest risk of later conception and were more likely to take over a year to become pregnant compared to those without gum disease. Non-Caucasian women with gum disease faced an increased risk of 13.9% for later conception compared to only 6.2% for women who were free from gum disease. Caucasian women who had gum disease also took longer to conceive than those who were disease-free; however the difference was not statistically significant.

    Monday, July 25, 2011

    Financial Stress Increases Gum Disease Risk

    Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD
    High levels of financial stress and poor coping abilities increase twofold the likelihood of developing periodontal (gum) disease, according to a study in the Journal of Periodontology. After accounting for other risk factors – such as age, gender, smoking, poor dental care and diabetes – those who reported high levels of financial strain and poor coping behaviors had higher levels of attachment loss and dental bone loss (signs of periodontal disease) than those with low levels of financial strain.

    "Financial strain is a long-term, constant pressure," said Dr. Robert Genco Genco, chair of the Oral Biology Department at The State University of New York at Buffalo, who carried out the studies with the periodontal research group at Buffalo and behavioral scientist Dr. Lisa Tedesco of the University of Michigan. "Our studiels of attachment loss es indicate that this ever-present stress and a lack of adequate coping skills could lead to altered habits, such as reduced oral hygiene or teeth grinding, as well as salivary changes and a weakening of the body's ability to fight infection." 

    However, people who dealt with their financial strain in an active and practical way (problem-focused) rather than with avoidance techniques (emotion-focused) had no more risk of severe periodontal disease than those without money problems.

    Financial Stress
    The good news is that many of the risk factors for periodontal disease, such as poor oral hygiene and infrequent professional care, can be controlled with minimal personal time and financial resources. Eliminating periodontal disease also eliminates a risk factor for heart disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes complications, it is especially important for people to do what they can to protect their oral health.

    Genco and his colleagues are following more than 1,400 people between the ages of 25 and 74 in the ongoing study, which is one of the first to examine the relationship of periodontal disease to stress, distress and coping in a large population.

    Psychological tests were given to identify and weigh the causes of stress (children, spouse, financial strain, single life and work stress) in participants' daily lives and to measure the ability to cope with stress. To measure financial strain, study participants answered nine questions, including:

    • At the present time, are you able to afford a home that is large enough?
    • Do you have difficulty in meeting monthly payments of your family bills?
    • How often is it that you don't have enough money to afford the kind of food, clothing, medical care, or leisure activities you and your family need or want?

    Further studies are needed to help establish the time course of stress in respect to the onset and progression of periodontal disease and the mechanisms that explain the association. Intervention studies also are needed to determine the extent to which controlling stress
    will influence periodontal disease and its treatment.

    Monday, July 18, 2011

    Advantages of Dental Implants Over Dentures

    Before dental implant
    Before dental implant
    After dental implant
    After dental implant

    Every way you look at it, dental implants are a better solution to the problem of missing teeth.

    • Esthetic   Dental implants look and feel like your own teeth! Since dental implants integrate into the structure of your bone, they prevent the bone loss and gum recession that often accompany bridgework and dentures. No one will ever know that you have a replacement tooth.
    • Tooth-saving   Dental implants don't sacrifice the quality of your adjacent teeth like a bridge does because neighboring teeth are not altered to support the implant. More of your own teeth are left untouched, a significant long-term benefit to your oral health!
    • Confidence   Dental implants will allow you to once again speak and eat with comfort and confidence! They are secure and offer freedom from the irksome clicks and wobbles of dentures. They'll allow you to say goodbye to worries about misplaced dentures and messy pastes and glues.
    • Reliable   The success rate of dental implants is highly predictable. They are considered an excellent option for tooth replacement.

    Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

    The ideal candidate for a dental implant is in good general and oral health. Adequate bone in your jaw is needed to support the implant, and the best candidates have healthy gum tissues that are free of periodontal disease.
    Dental implants are intimately connected with the gum tissues and underlying bone in the mouth. Since periodontists are the dental experts who specialize in precisely these areas, we are ideal members of your dental implant team. Not only do we have experience working with other dental professionals, we also have the special knowledge, training and facilities that you need to have teeth that look and feel just like your own. Your dentist and our office will work together to make your dreams come true.

    What Is Treatment Like?

    This procedure is a team effort between you, your dentist and our team. We and dentist will consult with you to determine where and how your implant should be placed. Depending on your specific condition and the type of implant chosen, we will create a treatment plan tailored to meet your needs. Click for more information about the treatment options described below.
    • Replacing a Single Tooth   If you are missing a single tooth, one implant and a crown can replace it. A dental implant replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root.
    • Replacing Several Teeth   If you are missing several teeth, implant-supported bridges can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots.
    • Replacing All of Your Teeth   If you are missing all of your teeth, an implant-supported full bridge or full denture can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots.
    • Sinus Augmentation   A key to implant success is the quantity and quality of the bone where the implant is to be placed. The upper back jaw has traditionally been one of the most difficult areas to successfully place dental implants due to insufficient bone quantity and quality and the close proximity to the sinus. Sinus augmentation can help correct this problem by raising the sinus floor and developing bone for the placement of dental implants.
    • Ridge Modification   Deformities in the upper or lower jaw can leave you with inadequate bone in which to place dental implants. To correct the problem, the gum is lifted away from the ridge to expose the bony defect. The defect is then filled with bone or bone substitute to build up the ridge. Ridge modification has been shown to greatly improve appearance and increase your chances for successful implants that can last for years to come.

    What Can I Expect After Treatment?

    As you know, your own teeth require conscientious at-home oral care and regular dental visits. Dental implants are like your own teeth and will require the same care. In order to keep your implant clean and plaque-free, brushing and flossing still apply!
    After treatment, we will work closely with you and your dentist to develop the best care plan for you. Periodic follow-up visits will be scheduled to monitor your implant, teeth and gums to make sure they are healthy.

    Monday, June 27, 2011

    Causes & Treatment Of Yellow Teeth

    Dr. Ellie Kheirkhahi-Love DDS, MSD
    Having yellow teeth can be be embarrassing at times and also harm your self-esteem. It might make you conscious of your teeth whenever you feel the urge to flash your smile. The first step in getting rid of this ugly yellow tinge is to determine the cause of it.
    Yellow Teeth Causes

    • NaturalSome individual’s teeth are naturally yellow in color. This is no defect as not all of us are lucky enough to have naturally white teeth. Here is the detailed reason for this natural yellow color. The outer most covering of the teeth (enamel) is white. However, the layer below this, which is the dentin, is naturally yellow. In some conditions, the outermost layer is not well mineralized causing it to become translucent. This makes the color of the dentin (yellow) more apparent and you can’t change this natural tooth color unless you use advanced whitening methods.
    yellow teeth
    • AgingYou have to accept the fact that yellowing of teeth is also a natural aspect of aging. However careful you might have been in maintaining your oral hygiene, over a long period of time staining agents generally seep in to your teeth giving it a yellowish tinge. Also, the enamel wears down and the natural yellow color of the underlying layer (dentin) becomes visible.
    • Oral hygiene: Poor Oral hygiene is a major cause of yellow teeth colour. You could say “yellow teeth can have various causes” but poor oral hygiene ALWAYS result in yellow teeth(along with a lot of other dental problems)
    • Food Habits: The chromogenic (COLOUR IMPARTING) food and beverages we consume can be held responsible for a vast majority of tooth discolorations. Foods such as tea, coffee, soda and berries have colour imparting properties. Smoking and chewing tobacco causes stained teeth as well due to nicotine deposits on teeth.

    Yellow Teeth Treatment:

    Although we can try our best to control the yellowing of our teeth by simple methods, sometimes it’s just not possible and we have to look towards more advanced methods.
    Simple Methods:
    • Brush and Floss twice a day.
    • Brushing after consuming color imparting agents like coffee, tea, soda etc
    • Using Whitening toothpaste and chewing sugarless whitening gums.
    • Using Whitening strips or paint on bleach.
    Advanced Methods
    • Using Dental Veneers.
    • Using tooth whitening methods especially the in-office tooth bleaching available from your Dentist.